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Top Honors Awarded in Iowa State Fair Dorset Sheep Show
Ella Jahner of Harvey took home the Champion Ram award in the Dorset Sheep show, judged at the 2024 Iowa State Fair.
Bill Sheahan of Delavan, Wisc., received Champion Ewe. Colby Tool of Monroe received the first place Premier Exhibitor award.
The Premier Exhibitor award is presented to the exhibitor earning the highest point total in individual classes of competition.
Complete results below:
Yearling Ram
1) Colby Tool, Monroe
Shorn Yearling Ram
1) Monte Wilson, Colfax
Fall Ram Lamb
1) Colby Tool, Monroe
2) Monte Wilson, Colfax
January Ram Lamb
1) Ella Jahner, Harvey
February Ram Lamb
1) Bill Sheahan, Delavan, WI
Shorn Ram Lamb -- All Ages
1) Ella Jahner, Harvey
2) Owen Atwater, Knoxville
Pair of Ram Lambs
1) Ella Jahner, Harvey
Yearling Ewe
1) Colby Tool, Monroe
2) Monte Wilson, Colfax
3) Monte Wilson, Colfax
4) Colby Tool, Monroe
Shorn Yearling Ewe
1) Colby Tool, Monroe
2) Monte Wilson, Colfax
3) Owen Atwater, Knoxville
4) Owen Atwater, Knoxville
Pair of Yearling Ewes
1) Colby Tool, Monroe
2) Owen Atwater, Knoxville
3) Monte Wilson, Colfax
Fall Ewe Lamb
1) Colby Tool, Monroe
2) Colby Tool, Monroe
3) Monte Wilson, Colfax
4) Monte Wilson, Colfax
January Ewe Lamb
1) Colby Tool, Monroe
February Ewe Lamb
1) Colby Tool, Monroe
2) Colby Tool, Monroe
3) Monte Wilson, Colfax
March & After Ewe Lamb
1) Bill Sheahan, Delavan, WI
2) Colby Tool, Monroe
Shorn Ewe Lamb -- All Ages
1) Gensley Ball, Greenville
2) Gensley Ball, Greenville
3) Colby Tool, Monroe
4) Owen Atwater, Knoxville
5) Ella Jahner, Harvey
6) Monte Wilson, Colfax
7) Owen Atwater, Knoxville
Pair of Ewe Lambs
1) Colby Tool, Monroe
2) Gensley Ball, Greenville
3) Monte Wilson, Colfax
4) Owen Atwater, Knoxville
Pair of Lambs
1) Colby Tool, Monroe
2) Bill Sheahan, Delavan, WI
3) Monte Wilson, Colfax
4) Owen Atwater, Knoxville
Young Flock
1) Colby Tool, Monroe
2) Monte Wilson, Colfax
3) Owen Atwater, Knoxville
1) Colby Tool, Monroe
2) Monte Wilson, Colfax
3) Owen Atwater, Knoxville
Champion & Reserve Ram
Grand Champion) Ella Jahner, Harvey
Reserve Champion) Colby Tool, Monroe
Champion & Reserve Ewe,
Grand Champion) Bill Sheahan, Delavan, WI
Reserve Champion) Colby Tool, Monroe
Premier Exhibitor,
1) Colby Tool, Monroe
2) Monte Wilson, Colfax
3) Ella Jahner, Harvey